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Racionalizando Investimentos: Como Utilizar Aplicativos de Trading


Imagine você que há alguns anos – nada muito distante – para investir capital em ações as pessoas precisavam telefonar. Exatamente, ao decidir colocar o seu dinheiro em um determinado ativo, o investidor precisava ligar para o analista de investimentos e solicitar que ele realizasse a operação.

O mesmo acontecia quando o investidor precisava retirar o investimento. Veja a situação, ao visualizar uma notícia estarrecedora na televisão e observando que o preço das ações de determinada empresa fossem cair drasticamente, o investidor pega o telefone em desespero. Digite o número do analista e aguarde chamar.

Um, dois, três, quatro toques… E o coração do investidor sobre até a boca. Isso se a chamada não cair na caixa postal automaticamente, ou se o horário seja tarde da noite e o analista estiver bem longe do escritório. Notem a dificuldade que era para fazer operações e o tanto de chances perdidas ou prejuízos assumidos por uma simples questão de tecnologia.

Agora, graças aos celulares, tomamos posição sempre que quisermos, de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento, usando um simples aplicativo de Mobile Trading. Esses aplicativos possuem as mesmas ferramentas que um sistema complexo de operação de trading. Tudo a alguns toques e que pode ser levado no seu bolso.

Entendendo aplicativos de Trading

Aplicativos de trading não diferem em nada dos softwares usados por operadores do sistema financeiro. A diferença fica justamente pelo suporte. Enquanto os sistemas complexos precisam de um computador ou notebook para rodar, o aplicativo só precisa de um celular.

Dentro do app você vai encontrar sistemas de informação da cotação em tempo real, notificações de notícias e posições executadas, relatórios de ações e, em alguns casos, mensagens exclusivas de analistas dando dicas de qual ação comprar.

Esses aplicativos são leves e funcionam em todo aparelho celular. Basta baixar na loja oficial do seu sistema operacional (Google Play para Android e App Store para iOS), instalar e começar a usar. 

Seleção do aplicativo Adequado

Digitou “app de trading” na loja oficial do seu sistema operacional e encontrou vários? Pois bem, agora é hora de saber escolher qual é o app para você. Afinal, podem existir aplicativos que sejam inseguros de baixar, ou até mesmo apps que não atendem às suas demandas. Nesse sentido, para fazer uma escolha adequada, confira:

  • Se o app respeita às questões de segurança, Um bom app deve ter robustas medidas de segurança. Autenticação de dois fatores e criptografia de dados são exemplos de medidas.
  • Como é a interface de usuário. Procure por aplicativos com interfaces limpas e visualmente agradáveis. Considere que vai passar um tempo olhando para o app.
  • Consulte os recursos e ferramentas disponíveis: Avalie se o aplicativo oferece os recursos necessários, como gráficos de fácil leitura, indicadores técnicos e suporte para tipos de ordem avançados.
  • Verifique se o app está livre de custos e taxas: Compare as taxas de comissão, custos de transação e quaisquer outras taxas associadas ao uso do aplicativo.

Configurando Sua Conta de Trading

Agora, o próximo passo é configurar sua conta. A primeira etapa é o 

registro e verificação de identidade. Esse processo muitas vezes exige documentos como um passaporte ou carteira de motorista.

Em seguida, é preciso fazer a conexão de métodos de pagamento para depósitos e retiradas. Como você vai tomar posições, o app precisa saber de sair o financiamento para comprar a ação A ou B. 

Depois, faça as configurações de preferências de negociação. Mude o layout, escolha a versão noturna ou diurna, defina os limites de ordens e alertas de preço, entre outros aspectos para operar de maneira fluída.

Estratégias de Investimento

Com seu aplicativo configurado, é hora de pensar sobre estratégias de investimento. Dependendo do seu perfil de risco e objetivos financeiros, você pode optar por diferentes abordagens.

  • Trading diário: Basicamente, aqui você compra e vende ações todos os dias, quase que a todo minuto.
  • Swing Trading: Ao contrário do diário, no swing você compra e mantém um ativo por algumas horas ou dias, antes de vender por um preço maior.
  • Longo Prazo: Como o próprio nome diz, é a estratégia de comprar e manter por meses ou anos. Muito utilizado para criar poupanças e construir patrimônio.

Faça ajustes e aproveite ao máximo

Agora que já sabe quais as vantagens de usar o app, é preciso dizer que a chave de tudo é estar sempre atento ao seu aplicativo. Use as ferramentas para acompanhar o desempenho dos investimentos em tempo real. Utilize gráficos e indicadores para avaliar a performance de seus ativos e ajuste suas estratégias conforme necessário.

Ative as notificações em tempo real para saber as notícias políticas mais quentes do momento, que muitos aplicativos de trading agora oferecem. Automatize processos de compra e venda, para fazer tudo em um só clique. Use e abuse do seu app para criar uma ferramenta poderosa que vai te colocar em um patamar superior de investimento.

Unlocking Extra Income: Money-Making Side Hustles That Pay Off


In a world where financial security often requires more than a single income source, side hustles have become an essential part of many people’s financial strategies. Whether you’re looking to cover unexpected expenses, save for a vacation, or simply reduce financial stress, finding the right side hustle can make all the difference. One intriguing example of earning potential is found in online gaming, where offers like 100 darmowych spinów bez depozytu provide a risk-free way to potentially boost income.

Exploring Popular Side Hustles

Side hustles can vary widely in terms of effort, startup costs, and income potential. Choosing the right one depends on your skills, interests, and how much time you can commit.

High-Demand Options:

  • Freelance Writing and Graphic Design: With businesses constantly needing content and marketing materials, skilled writers and designers can find ample opportunities online.
  • Online Tutoring: Share your expertise in subjects like math, science, or languages through platforms that connect tutors with students worldwide.

Leveraging Your Passion into Profit

Turning a hobby or passion into a side hustle not only generates income but also ensures you enjoy what you’re doing—key to sustaining your side gig in the long term.

Turning Interests into Income:

  • Crafting and Handmade Goods: Sites like Etsy provide a marketplace for selling handmade crafts, jewelry, and art.
  • Photography: Talented photographers can sell their photos to stock photo sites, or offer services at events and to local businesses.

Technology-Driven Side Hustles

Technology has opened up a range of side hustles that were not possible a few years ago. These ventures often require less conventional skills and more of a willingness to adapt and learn new platforms.

Tech-Savvy Income Streams:

  • App Development: Developing simple apps or games can generate revenue through ads or in-app purchases.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Earn commissions by promoting products or services through your blog, social media, or website.

Setting Up a Side Hustle Online Store

An online store can be an excellent source of passive income if set up correctly. This involves choosing the right products, setting up an ecommerce platform, and implementing a solid marketing strategy.

Steps to Launch Your Online Store:

  • Select a Niche: Choose products that you are passionate about or that fulfill a specific need.
  • E-commerce Platform: Use platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce to build your store.
  • Market Your Products: Utilize social media, SEO, and email marketing to reach potential customers.

Balancing a Side Hustle with Full-Time Work

Managing both a full-time job and a side hustle requires good time management and organizational skills to ensure both are handled effectively without burning out.

Tips for Maintaining Balance:

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Allocate specific times for your side hustle to prevent it from overtaking your personal life.
  • Stay Organized: Keep track of all tasks with tools like Trello or Asana.
  • Prioritize Tasks: Focus on high-impact activities that yield the most benefits.

Legal Considerations for Side Hustlers

Understanding the legal aspects of your side hustle is crucial to avoid any future problems, particularly related to taxes and business licensing.

Legal Basics to Consider:

  • Business Structure: Decide if you need to form an LLC or operate as a sole proprietor.
  • Taxes: Keep track of your earnings and understand your tax obligations.
  • Permits and Licenses: Check if your side hustle requires any specific permits or licenses.

Starting a side hustle can be an enriching experience that not only boosts your income but also allows you to explore your passions and develop new skills. With the right approach, these ventures can even evolve into full-time careers or significant income sources, giving you greater financial freedom and security.

For more insights into how women are leveraging platforms like online poker for financial gains, enhancing their presence in traditionally male-dominated areas, visit https://letwomenspeak.com/ladies-at-the-table-how-women-are-dominating-online-poker-and-betting-platforms/.

Esports Analytics: Leveraging Data for Competitive Advantage and Profit


Esports has rapidly evolved from niche entertainment to a major global industry, captivating millions of fans and attracting significant commercial investment. The competitive edge in this dynamic field often hinges on the effective use of analytics. Like the strategic use of kody na darmowe spiny bez depozytu in online gaming, esports analytics can unlock new levels of performance and profitability by providing deeper insights into both player performance and business operations.

The Impact of Analytics on Esports Performance

Analytics in esports transforms raw data from games into actionable insights, giving teams and players a competitive edge. By analyzing gameplay data, teams can refine strategies, improve player performance, and increase their chances of winning tournaments.

Enhancing Team Performance Through Data:

  • Player Skills Analysis: Identifying strengths and weaknesses of players to tailor training programs.
  • Opponent Strategy Assessment: Analyzing past performances of opponents to predict their tactics and prepare counter-strategies.
  • Gameplay Optimization: Utilizing data to refine in-game decision-making and resource allocation.

Monetizing Esports Through Data-Driven Strategies

Beyond enhancing performance, esports analytics also plays a crucial role in monetizing the industry. Teams, organizers, and sponsors can harness data to drive revenue growth, optimize marketing strategies, and enhance fan engagement.

Key Areas for Monetization:

  • Audience Insights: Detailed demographics and behavior analysis help tailor marketing campaigns and maximize sponsorships.
  • Event Optimization: Data on viewer preferences and behaviors can guide event planning, from tournament schedules to broadcast formats.
  • Merchandising: Analyzing fan purchasing patterns to optimize merchandise offerings and increase sales.

Tools and Technologies in Esports Analytics

The backbone of effective esports analytics is the technology used to collect, process, and analyze data. Advanced tools ranging from basic statistical software to complex AI-driven platforms are revolutionizing how data is used in the industry.

Leading Technologies:

  • AI and Machine Learning: These technologies provide predictive insights and trend analysis, enabling proactive strategy adjustments.
  • Real-Time Data Processing: Tools that offer real-time analytics allow teams to make immediate decisions during competitions.
  • Visualization Software: Sophisticated visualization tools help in presenting data in an easily digestible format for quick decision-making.

Challenges and Considerations in Esports Analytics

While the benefits of esports analytics are significant, there are challenges that organizations must navigate to fully leverage this advantage. Data accuracy, privacy concerns, and the integration of analytics into training and strategies are critical considerations.

Overcoming Analytical Challenges:

  • Data Quality: Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data collected from various sources.
  • Privacy and Security: Implementing robust security measures to protect player and fan data.
  • Cultural Adoption: Encouraging players and staff to integrate analytics into their everyday activities and decision-making processes.

Best Practices for Implementing Esports Analytics

To effectively implement esports analytics, organizations should adopt best practices that ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of their analytical initiatives.

Implementation Strategies:

  • Collaborative Approach: Work closely with coaches, players, and analysts to ensure the data insights are actionable and practical.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest analytics technologies and methodologies to keep your strategy ahead of the curve.
  • Scalable Solutions: Invest in scalable analytics solutions that can grow with your team or organization.

Esports analytics not only enhances the performance of players and teams but also opens new avenues for business and financial success within the industry. By adopting a strategic approach to data and its applications, stakeholders in the esports ecosystem can achieve remarkable outcomes both in competitive arenas and in commercial ventures.

For further insights on the intersection of relationships, networking, and financial success in digital and traditional business environments, visit https://brandspurng.com/2024/03/08/the-role-of-relationships-and-networking-in-financial-success/.

Affiliate Marketing for Esports: Earning Commissions through Gaming Products


Affiliate marketing presents a golden opportunity for individuals and businesses within the esports ecosystem to monetize their platforms by promoting relevant gaming products. With the booming growth of the esports industry, leveraging affiliate programs, such as those offered by BetWinner affiliates, can be a lucrative strategy for generating income. This approach allows content creators, influencers, and website owners to earn commissions by linking to gaming gear, merchandise, and even betting platforms that their audience may find appealing.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing in Esports

Affiliate marketing in esports involves promoting products or services offered by other businesses in exchange for a commission on resulting sales or leads. It is a performance-based marketing strategy that benefits both the affiliate and the product provider.

The Basics of Esports Affiliate Marketing:

  • Commission Structure: Affiliates earn money either through a fixed rate for each sale or a percentage of the sale value.
  • Relevance to Audience: Successful affiliates promote products that resonate with their audience’s interests in gaming and esports.
  • Tracking and Reporting: Affiliates use unique tracking links to monitor clicks and conversions, ensuring they are compensated for the traffic they generate.

Setting Up Your Affiliate Marketing Channel

To start earning through affiliate marketing, setting up the right channel and selecting appropriate affiliate programs are crucial steps. These setups will largely depend on the nature of your online presence and your audience.

Steps to Launch Your Affiliate Efforts:

  • Choose Your Platform: Whether it’s a blog, a YouTube channel, a Twitch stream, or social media, your platform should align with where your audience spends their time.
  • Select Affiliate Programs: Opt for programs that offer products or services your audience will likely purchase. For esports, this could include gaming hardware, software, or even apparel.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate affiliate links into your content without disrupting the user experience. This could be through product reviews, gear recommendations, or banner ads.

Strategies for Promoting Affiliate Products

Effectively promoting affiliate products requires more than just inserting links into your content. It involves engaging strategies that encourage your audience to make purchases.

Effective Promotion Techniques:

  • Content Creation: Develop content specifically around the products you are promoting, such as reviews, unboxing videos, or top product lists.
  • Exclusive Offers: Work with affiliate programs to provide special discount codes or promotions that you can offer exclusively to your audience.
  • Educational Content: Inform your audience about the products, focusing on how they can enhance their gaming experience or performance.

Tracking and Optimizing Affiliate Performance

To maximize your earnings, it’s vital to track the performance of your affiliate links and optimize based on the insights you gain. Most affiliate programs provide dashboards where you can see your traffic, clicks, and conversions.

Optimization Strategies:

  • A/B Testing: Try different ways of presenting the affiliate links to determine which configurations yield the best conversion rates.
  • Audience Feedback: Listen to your audience’s feedback on the products and your marketing approach to adjust your strategies accordingly.
  • Analytics Review: Regularly review analytics to understand which products and content drive the most affiliate revenue and focus your efforts accordingly.

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices

Affiliate marketing, while profitable, requires adherence to ethical marketing practices to maintain credibility and trust with your audience.

Ethical Guidelines:

  • Transparency: Always disclose your affiliate relationships to your audience in a clear and straightforward manner.
  • Honesty: Only promote products you genuinely believe in or have used yourself to avoid misleading your audience.
  • Respect for Privacy: Ensure that any data collected through affiliate marketing activities is handled responsibly, respecting user privacy.

Affiliate marketing for esports offers a promising avenue for enthusiasts and professionals to leverage their influence and knowledge for financial gain. By choosing the right affiliate programs, creating engaging content, and using smart promotion strategies, you can successfully tap into this dynamic revenue stream.

For more insights into investing in digital assets and other innovative financial strategies, check out https://disquantified.org/investing-in-digital-assets-nfts-domain-flipping-and-more/.

New Online Games to Try in 2024


If you are into games in general and video games in particular, 2024 has something for you to offer. Already in the first several months of the year, dozens of cool games were released and hundreds are already announced, ready to be released later this year. 

It is close to impossible to list all the published and expected games in all niches so better go check the publishers’ websites for more details. 

In this post, however, we give a brief overview of some of the most anticipated video games and mobile games that you can check out already. 

Video Games Released (Or Yet To Be Released) in 2024 

There are hundreds of video games, big and small, of various genres, listed on publishers’ websites and just copying the list would be unwise. Instead, just take a look at five top games players have been drooling over for some time already. 


In Frostpunk 2, players construct a bustling city, manage resources, and face tough choices like sending kids to work or school. The game promises more challenge and depth than its first version. It pushes players to cope with morality in harsh conditions and make truly uneasy decisions. 

The game is full of strategy but also pushes some ethical questions up to the surface. Frostpunk 2 forces players to think long-term, contemplating the value of individuality compared to the survival of the community. Intense strategic gameplay here clashes with moral choices and personal values, making Frostpunk 2 a gaming gem that is truly engaging. 

Alone in the Dark 

Alone in the Dark is a mix of classic survival horror with a touch of nostalgia that reminds of old horror movies. However, some players may find it not modern enough. Set in the 1920s, players join the quest with Emily Hartwood and Detective Carnby to uncover the mysteries of the mansion. This is a true 1920s classic with a typical somewhat predictable storyline and in-game puzzles. Besides being entertaining and atmospheric, Aline in the Dark is also a piece of gaming history, reminding us of the original roots of the story and the genre itself. 

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has to both meet the sky-high expectations of its fans impressed by all the previous games and also show the chapter of the main heroes’ journey across Gaia. To be honest, the game does not surpass all its predecessors even despite its high quality in all aspects. 

While most players enjoy open-world games, in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth it is so open that it becomes tiring at some point. Also, the pacing is somewhat uneven which may make some players a bit frustrated about the adventure. However, the narrative is still very captivating and the visual aspect of the game leaves nothing to be desired. Even despite its obvious flaws, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth still carries the essence of the most beloved RPGs. 

Skull and Bones 

Skull and Bones offers its players a sailing experience with customizable ships and weapons, offering diverse gameplay possibilities. The game’s release has been delayed several times but eventually, after it was published, it must be said that it doesn’t really fall behind expectations. Despite the skepticism of the players waiting for it, Skull and Bones is a 60-hour enjoyable adventure. 

The game is set in the 17th century in the Indian Ocean and explores the intricacies of being a pirate at that time. Players can craft their identities and entertain naval combat tactics.  

Open Roads 

Open Roads, probably due to resembling a walking simulator, may not capture every gamer’s interest initially. If you have ever played Gone Home you may find Open Roads a bit simpler in general. The story is a rather captivating thriller set in 2003 Michigan and it gives a nostalgic note to many players. The start of the game is slow but it is still worth trying to discover its perks. Open Roads offers rich environments, very decent voice acting, and absolutely brilliant character development. By the end of the game, the protagonists feel like real people with relatable emotions. While it must be said that the game is definitely not for everyone, its immersive environment will for sure find its fans. 

Mobile Games and Other 2024 Games 

Besides video games, there are other games that many players around the world anticipate. If you are into online slots and love Sweet Bonanza free spins no deposit but don’t mind exploring newer products, check out the list below! 

These high-quality online slot games are already released so you can try them out for free: 

  • The Dog House – Dog or Alive (Pragmatic Play) 
  • Sugar Rush 1000 (Pragmatic Play) 
  • Easter Eggspedition (Play’n GO) 
  • Ripe Rewards (Pragmatic Play) 
  • Rusty & Curly (Hacksaw Gaming) 
  • Bronco Big Bounty (Alchemy Gaming) 
  • Dracula Darkest Flame (Spinomenal) 
  • Piranha Pays (Play’n GO) 
  • Fire Portals (Pragmatic Play) 
  • Shaman Song (Red Rake) 

In case you are generally into playing quick mobile games but online slots are not exactly your cup of tea, check out mobile games with other mechanics released in 2024: 

  • Laya’s Horizon 
  • Wuthering Waves 
  • Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 
  • One Punch Man World 
  • Star Wars: Hunters 
  • Honkai: Star Rail 
  • Zenless Zone Zero 
  • Girls’ Frontline 2 

Final Thoughts 

The gaming industry is so active nowadays and the competition among the publishers is so dense that choosing a new game to try is close to impossible unless you know exactly what you want. Dozens of new games are published monthly on numerous platforms, and while you are giving them a try, even newer games arrive. This is why it makes sense to check out some reviews or recommended lists like the one in this post! 

Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta hopes his side can create fear factor


Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta said he hopes his side can create a fear factor, as they chase their first Premier League title for 20 years. 

++Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino wants to build “genuine relationship” with fans

Arsenal sits on 68 points in the stands, two behind Liverpool, and one ahead of Manchester City. There are just eight games to go. The Gunners have won nine of their past 10 league games. 

++Manchester United boss Erik ten Hag talks about his team’s injury problems

Arteta played against the 2003/04 “Invincibles”, managed by Arsene Wenger, in 2005. He said that he wants his side to be similarly feared by opponents. “I’ve been in the tunnel playing in a different shirt and looking at the Invincibles”, said the manager on Friday (5).

“You had a feeling ‘tonight is going to be really tough’. Hopefully we can create that”, added Arteta. The manager also spoke about Bukayo Saka, who sustained an injury and missed Wednesday’s (3) 2-0 win over Luton.

“I’m super positive. I think he’s going to fly and be so decisive. He’s so strong, how much he wants it. How excited he is about what is coming. He wants to be there, and he’s getting better and better”, said Arteta.

Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino wants to build “genuine relationship” with fans


Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino said he wants to build a “genuine relationship” with the team fans.

++Four-time Formula 1 world champion Sebastian Vettel thinking about comeback

After Chelsea’s 4-3 win over Manchester United on Thursday (4), Pochettino was asked about the Gunners supporters who may have found it difficult to sympathize with him, given his past as Tottenham manager. “I came from a different club – this is normal”, he started.

++Manchester United boss Erik ten Hag talks about his team’s injury problems

“I arrived at Chelsea in a different project. I played with my reputation to come here also, in a project that is to build a team with young, talented players”, said the manager. “Of course, we knew it was a massive challenge to build a team, win games and to be competitive”.

“I said from the beginning I want to build a genuine relationship and not kiss the badge or do stupid things on the touchline to win the benefit of the fans. What I want is to provide to the team the tools to win games and, through trust in the team and winning games, to build a good relationship”, said Pochettino.

Suki Waterhouse shares first picture of her baby with Robert Pattinson

This Thursday (4), Suki Waterhouse shared the first picture of her baby with Robert Pattinson.

++Kirsten Dunst and Jimmy Kimmel talk about their children getting into a fight in kindergarten

In her Instagram account, Suki shared a photo showing her and her baby in her arms, without showing the baby’s face. “Welcome to the world angel”, she captioned the post, adding a red heart emoji. However, the singer did not reveal the baby’s name or gender.

++Justin and Hailey Bieber reportedly “very happy” despite divorce rumors

It’s not known exactly when she and Pattinson welcomed their first child. However, the couple were seen pushing a stroller in Los Angeles last week, according to photos obtained by the Daily Mail.

The singer confirmed her pregnancy at a concert in Mexico in November 2023. Wearing a sparkly pink dress, she joked:  “I decided to wear something particularly sparkly today ’cause I thought it might distract you from something else that’s going on. I’m not sure if it’s working.”

Suki also shared a selfie in the mirror on her Instagram, showing off her baby bump. Waterhouse and Pattinson have kept their romance private since they got together in 2018. The “Twilight” star has not addressed the news of Suki’s pregnancy or the arrival of the baby.

Kirsten Dunst and Jimmy Kimmel talk about their children getting into a fight in kindergarten

Kirsten Dunst and Jimmy Kimmel talked about their children getting into a fight in kindergarten.

++Justin and Hailey Bieber reportedly “very happy” despite divorce rumors

During Dunst’s appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Thursday (4), they revealed that her son, Ennis, 5, and Kimmel’s son, Billy, 6, attend Kindergarten together, and that recently they had some trouble. 

++Rebel Wilson reveals the name of the actor she lost her virginity to

“They had a fight, you know? Did you hear about this?”, the host asked the actress. “I heard in our parent-teacher conference. Ms. Julie told me about it. I know that Billy was sitting in a chair and Ennis then went to sharpen a pencil or something”, started Kirsten.

“Came back, saw there was an empty chair and sat in it, and Billy came back and was mad that Ennis was in his chair”, she added. “I heard a similar story that Billy got up to sharpen a pencil… and then there was a displacement there and they both cried”, said Kimmel. 

The actress also said that this was the “only drama” she heard among the kids, adding that the group of boys in that class are “very sweet”. Dunst also noted that Kimmel’s son seemed to be “mild mannered” in school.

“We don’t understand it, We got to the parent-teacher conference and we’re like, ‘Really? Oh, he’s such a good listener?’ And then we’ll go home and go, ‘Your teacher said you were a great listener.’ And he’s very proud of himself, like, ‘Why are you not a good listener here at our house?’”, said Kimmel laughing. 

Four-time Formula 1 world champion Sebastian Vettel thinking about comeback


Four-time Formula 1 world champion Sebastian Vettel said he has been thinking about coming back.

++Manchester United boss Erik ten Hag talks about his team’s injury problems

Vettel won titles for Red Bull between 2010 and 2013, and retired in 2022. Lewis Hamilton is moving to Ferrari, and Mercedes has a vacant seat in 2025, which could be a chance for the German to return.

++Pep Guardiola defends Erling Haaland following Roy Keane’s criticism

“I’m having thoughts that are crossing my mind and thinking about [a return]. But at this stage, my mindset generally hasn’t changed so it really depends on what’s coming up”, said Vettel to BBC Radio 5 Live.

When asked about Mercedes he added: “I’m following the sport and at the minute there’s quite a lot of movement when it comes to drivers, driver market and so on. I’m obviously in contact with a lot of people still. I’m speaking as well to Toto [Wolff] every now and then”.

“It depends I guess but at the minute it’s not the number one priority”, said Vettel. Hamilton and George Russel, his Mercedes teammate, both approved Vettel’s return. “I would love for Seb to come back and I think he would be an amazing option for the team”, said Hamilton.

“Sebastian’s a great person. For sure, his personality is missed on the grid. I’m really happy and open to have anybody as my team-mate, whether it’s a world champion or a rookie, it doesn’t change how I go about my business”, said Russel, ahead of the Japanese Grand Prix.

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