Why Is Music So Important For A Successful Event?


    When planning an event, choosing the right music is one of the most important decisions that you can make.

    The choice of music will dictate the atmosphere in the room. It will influence the mood of
    attendees and it’s also instrumental in helping people connect with one another – the key
    motivating factor behind most events.

    If you want to stage a successful event, it’s essential you take these factors into account.

    Creating atmosphere

    If you’re planning an event, you will likely have an idea of what kind of atmosphere you want to promote, but it can be difficult to know how to achieve it.

    Music is one of the most powerful ways of creating the perfect atmosphere at your event. Do you want to create an air of excitement and fun? Then choose a band playing upbeat music.

    Prefer a more casual and relaxed vibe designed to encourage conversation? You can’t go far wrong with the background sounds of an acoustic guitar or piano.

    If you need to hire a band or musician in any genre for your event, Alive Network has a great selection, and they’ll help you to select the right one for the atmosphere you’re trying to cultivate.

    Influences mood

    Have you ever heard a song and felt instantly happier than you did before? Or heard another one and felt inexplicably close to tears?

    That’s because music influences mood. Our brains release the chemicals serotonin and
    dopamine in reaction to happy and upbeat music, which are important in making us feel good.

    Our bodies also respond to music, slow music is used in music therapy to help people who are feeling anxious to lower their heart rate.

    Powerful stuff. And you can use it to your advantage.

    You can ensure that your guests are happy and having a good time by choosing music that
    promotes happiness.

    Helps create connection

    Scientists believe that music helps us to connect with other people because the rhythm causes our brains to synchronize, meaning that we coordinate body movements and create connections as a result. That means, if you’re a music teacher and advertise classical singing lessons, you can help create connection to your learners so they can express themselves through sound and make meaning.

    This is particularly true if you choose music that evokes a sense of nostalgia or other shared emotion that people in the group can access. In this way, music is a great ice breaker, particularly if you have guests attending an event of different ages and from different backgrounds.

    Positive memories

    Most of us have had the experience of music bringing back a memory unexpectedly. Music and memory have a strong link, which is why music is used so often in the treatment of people with dementia. Music can be used to call back a time when the patient felt happy and calm, which can help them to feel more relaxed in the present.

    In the same way, if your event has great music, then even after it’s over, people will easily
    remember the good time they had whenever they hear a song that was played, demonstrating how music can enhance experiences.


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