Biden says Republicans want impeachment to paralyze his government

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, commented publicly for the first time on the possibility of an impeachment (Photo: Instagram)
The President of the United States, Joe Biden, commented publicly for the first time on the possibility of an impeachment (Photo: Instagram)

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, commented publicly for the first time on the possibility of an impeachment inquiry opened by the President of the House, Kevin McCarthy, last Tuesday (12).

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Biden stated that Republicans want his impeachment only to paralyze the US government, showing little concern about the investigations opened by the President of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy.

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“I get up every day without worrying about impeachment, I have a job to do,” said Biden, leaving an event on Wednesday (13) night. And he added: “I don’t know exactly why, but I can say that they want my impeachment to paralyze the government.”

Joe Biden took part as president of the United States on January 20, 2021. His rival in the second round was then-president Donald Trump. Biden won the election with 306 Electoral College votes, compared to Trump’s 232.

In the popular vote, Biden also won, with 81.2 million votes, against 74.2 million for Trump. With this, Biden became the most voted president in the history of the United States in absolute numbers, alongside his vice-president, Kamala Harris. Furthermore, the Democratic politician became, in 2022, the first US president over 80 years old.


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