Jews protest at the Capitol

There has never been a time in my life when it has felt more urgent for our Jewish community to stand up, speak out, bring our sadness, fear, pain and outrage – and mobilize with everything we have,” said Stefanie Fox, director from the Jewish Voice for Peace group to Haaretz. (Photo:Twitter)
There has never been a time in my life when it has felt more urgent for our Jewish community to stand up, speak out, bring our sadness, fear, pain and outrage – and mobilize with everything we have,” said Stefanie Fox, director from the Jewish Voice for Peace group to Haaretz. (Photo:Twitter)

Protesters occupied the Capitol, the American Congress building, demanding that the government press for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The region has suffered shelling since the Hamas attack on October 7.

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Protesters wore black T-shirts with the words: “Jews say: stop the attacks now” and “Not in our name.” More than 300 people were arrested during the action. Activists sang and cheered inside the Cannon Building, one of the Congress buildings with banners calling for “Cease Fire” and “Let Gaza Live.” On the social network X, the police wrote: “Protests are not allowed inside Congress buildings.”

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The person responsible for the mobilization is the Jewish Voice for Peace Movement. Hundreds of people gathered on the National Mall, close to the Capitol before the protest began and then went to the Cannon Building and demanded that the Biden government act for a Ceasefire.

“Biden is really the only one who has the power to pressure Israel right now, and he should use that power to save innocent lives,” Hannah Lawrence, 32, from Vermont, told AFP.


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